Past the Point of no Return
by: Rosalyn Angel

I wonder if someone will miss me. I wonder if they
will weep for my passing, cry bitter tears and sing
mournful requiems for the deceased Marchwarden of
Lуrien. Will I be given a funeral? Will my body be
there, for all to sadly linger their gaze upon, until
it is turned to ashes from a tame fire and then
scattered across the Wood as I have requested? Or
will it be lost among my comrades’ and foul Orcs’
remains, stained by red and black blood,
unrecognizable in what will become a sea of death? My
brothers, Orophin and Rъmil – will you feel sad for
me? My friends, Aragorn and countless Elves – will
you despair for me? My love . . . will you even
notice that I am gone?

sorrow inside

~fin~ - автор.

@музыка: Evanescence

@темы: невыговоренное