'And in the morning,' Haldir says in the privacy of his own mind as his body succumbs to
the warmth of Legolas' kiss, enjoying for one last time the sensation of that warm,
muscular tongue sweeping around his mouth; 'in the morning, long before he awakens,
long before the birds begin their dawn-song, when the sky is still tinged blue with the
colour of the night and the stars are just still visible, then I will disentangle myself from
the pile of beautiful, lithe limbs we've become, and go to the river and wash away all
trace of him – beneath the waterfall, where the clear water as cold as ice will pound away
every last scrap of him, of his essence, from my body – before I set out for the great
West. Without looking back.'

Вот - то, что разрывает на части, выворачивает душу наизнанку, вынимая всю невыговоренную и невыплаканную боль сознания, которое не может найти покой.